
There are those who say that they do not like the bagpipes, but we at Leeds City Pipe Band believe that there are few who cannot be moved by the sight and sound of a marching band in full Highland Military uniform!

In 1960, The City of Leeds Pipe Band formed as a self-supporting, non-profit making organisation. The band became a registered charity in 2023, with the aims of promoting the sound and spectacle of the Pipes and Drums at community and charity events, and providing free tuition for both bagpipes and drums. We participate in many local events across Yorkshire throughout the year, and we now have quite a number of repeat appearances.

The continued existence of the Band depends on:

  • a strong belief in the need for maintenance of this crucial part of our British culture – traditional music
  • a ready supply of new members, both young and older, experienced and inexperienced, wishing to develop their skills in the playing of the bagpipes and drums
  • a dedicated team of teachers willing to share their experience and help others to learn
  • careful management of funds, and re-investment in improvements to uniform

As well as providing a place to learn the bagpipes or the drums, we are a happy group of people, who enjoy being together and entertaining the public.

The pipe band has Championship success to its credit, as well as radio and television appearances and continental tours.

We raise funds through our performances to provide practice space, along with maintaining and upgrading our look. Our uniform uses the Royal Stewart tartan, with archer green Military Doublet and feather bonnet with red hackle such as that worn by the Black Watch. It is one of the few bands that you will see still parading in full uniform. To see what we look like, take a look at the gallery.

It is volunteers that make up the membership of the band. There is a mixture of ages who enjoy the playing of bagpipes or drums. We would welcome new members either experienced or beginners as tuition is freely available for anyone who has the ambition to play (even if you have never played an instrument before).

Our members all have one thing in common: an enjoyment in the playing of bagpipes or drums. Currently, about half our Band are Scots, but nationality and origin are no bar to membership. Bagpipes and drums are ancient instruments which have been played for many centuries in different forms all around the world.

With workshops on a Monday and Thursday, the pipe band provides a great support structure for bringing along novices. As well as teaching the music, we offer instruction in comportment and in the essentials of marching in various types of formation.

We currently have vacancies for both pipers and drummers, to get in touch see details on contact page. You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

We have a solid organisational structure and an active committee that meet on a regular basis. Particular attention is given to programme content and performance to suit each engagement. We proudly take part in a number of events over the course of the year, so you can see us across Yorkshire and in Leeds. Full band, small groups or individual pipers are available.

City of Leeds Pipeband playing in Millennium Square


Registered Charity No. 1202490