Author: davidh

Another first for the City of Leeds Pipe Band

The City of Leeds Pipe Band has been invited to lead the procession at the annual Knaresborough Bed Race.This annual community event is famous for its colour and pagentry. Thousands of spectators line the route whilst up to 90 teams of 1 bed,6 runners and 1 passenger make their way through the North Yorkshire market town of Knaresboroughto the start… Read more →

Another Yorkshire Game Show

The City of Leeds Pipe Band has been invited to attend the 2011 Yorkshire Game Show to be held on 29th. and 30th. May within the grounds of Harewood House on the outskirts of Leeds. Harewood House is the home of the Earl and Countess of Harewood. The Yorkshire Game Show is a traditional North Country Show with a variety… Read more →

North Yorkshire Village Gala

We have accepted the invitation to take part in the Burton Leonard Village Gala 2011. Burton Leonard lies between Harrogate and Ripon in North Yorkshire,and we take great pleasure in participating in this local community event with the emphasis being on the local children,who all take part in the fancy dress parade and numerous competitions held on the day and… Read more →