Anniversary Dinner

A very successful dinner was held on 12th November to acknowledge the 5oth anniversary of the founding of the City of Leeds Pipe Band at the Moortown Golf Club. This was a perfect venue for us
The event was celebrated by the current members of the band and their partners,and our special guests Mrs Ruth Nixon and Mrs Margaret Bill the widows of 2 former Pipe Majors. Jeff Nixon, a founder of the band in 1960, served as P/M for a total of 20 years and Secretary for 14 years. Jim Bill was a member for 39 years of which 9 were as P/M and 24 as Secretary.
The Chairman welcomed these guests who both received a bouquet of flowers from our youngest member, Natasha Hardcastle whose Mother and Grandfather are current members.
All present were reminded by the chairman of the early days of the Band and, in particular, the contribution to the achievements of the band by the pupils of the tuition class for beginners. This class still continues to this day and many of the current players started their learning here. A special thank you to our current P/M John Grant for his work in maintaining the continuity was endorsed by all. The Chairman also announced that Don Wilson, a member for 35 years, had been made a life member in recognition of his hard work and long service. Not only is Don still a playing member, but also his Daughter and Granddaughter are also in the drum corps. Also with us were Albert Briggs and Alex Thomson who are still playing members after 47 years. Both came from the band class. George Anderson was thanked for his work organising this evenings function as were the Golf Club staff for preparing a first class meal and looking after us. The Chairman concluded by givining his best wishes to everyone and to the future of the City of Leeds Pipe Band.